B.M.S as a course provides adequate basic understanding of management education that can be applied in the present day global corporate scenario. This course exposes the students to various practical aspects like project work, group studies, case studies & presentation which are part of M.B.A program. After the completion of this course, students may opt for Management and/or non-management-oriented courses. In addition to business management course, it will equip you to understand how organizations work, how they are managed, and how they interact with local, national and international environments.
Students could also consider pursuing a career in the field of Sales & Marketing, Finance, HRM, and Research & Development etc. The students are molded perfectly to fit in with the requirements of an ideal manager who knows how to make correct decisions, delegate work and most importantly, to coordinate with the entire organization.


To Introduce Well Equipped Transformational Leaders who contribute to Nation and Society at large.


To Discover and Deepen our understanding of management concepts and applications that drive effective organizations, to introduce principled and insightful leaders who will create positive change in the society.

List of teachers in the department/ Committee

Sr No. Name of the teacher Designation Mob No. Email Id
1 Asst Prof Padmavati V Deshpande Coordinator 9324285105 padmadeshpande@sstcollege.edu.in
2 Adv.Sunil Shah Member 9323690333 sunilshah@sstcollege.edu.in
3 Asst Prof Komal Kamra Member 9890111127 komalkamra@sstcolleg.edu.in
4 Asst Prof Mayur Mathur Member 7666121118 mayurmathur@sstcollege.edu.in
5. Asst Prof Aakash Jawarani Member 7775993044 aakashjawrani@sstcollege.edu.in
6 Asst Prof Neha Telani Member nehatelani@sstcollege.edu.in

Yearwise Reports