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Pass out Batch ---20062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022
Select Program ---DegreePost Graduate
Select Course ---Bachelors of Arts (B.A.)Bachelors of Arts in Mass and Multimedia Communication (B. A. M. M. C.)Bachelors of Mass and Media (B. M. M.)Bachelors of Commerce (B. Com.)Bachelors of Commerce in Accounting and Finance (B. A. F.)Bachelors of Commerce in Banking and Insurance (B. C. B. I.)Bachelors of Science (Information Technology) (B. Sc. I.T.)Bachelors of Science (Computer Science) (B. Sc. C.S.)Bachelors of Management Studies (B. M. S.)Bachelors of Commerce in Financial Market (B. F. M.)
Select Course ---M. Com. (Advanced Accountancy)M. Com (E-Commerce)M. A. (History)M. A. (Economics)M. A. (Political Science)M. A. (Education)M. Sc. (Information Technology)M. Sc. (Computer Science)
Q1. How would you rate the curriculum prescribed for your degree during your term in the college Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q2. How would you rate the quality of education imparted in the college Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q3. How would rate the course content delivery Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q4. How would you rate the course curriculum for fulfilling your expectations Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q5. How do you rate the academic initiatives taken by the college to bridge the gap between industry & academic Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q6. How would you rate any new skills learnt in the due course of yours study (Other than syllabus) Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q7. How do you rate the relevance of your degree to your present job Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q8. How would you rate the following academic initiatives taken by the college to improve your competence as student? Innovative Teaching-Learning methodologies, Seminars, workshops, projects, study Tours, etc. Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q9. How do you rate the development activities organized by the college for your overall development Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree
Q10. How would you rate the motivation created by the syllabus to pursue post graduation / research in the particular topic Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAverageAgreeStrongly Agree